
Frank & Zed: An All Puppet Monster Movie

Created by Jesse Blanchard

Frank & Zed still need your help to become the epic puppet-horror film you deserve! Look for our stretch goals and support felt horror!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Behind-the-Scenes Video Update: Shooting Frank & Zed
about 8 years ago – Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 10:25:49 AM

Hello puppet loving backers!

We've been continuing our super productive February with record breaking shooting days (20 shots in one day last week!). In fact we've recently wrapped the castle set (For now. We'll be returning to the stone walls when it's time for the epic final battle. For obvious reasons (blood is notoriously hard to wash out of felt) we're saving that for the end), and are starting to shoot in Murder Village today!

The set we're shooting on today.
The set we're shooting on today.
Hand-made sugar glass. Can only withstand the hot lights for so long.
Hand-made sugar glass. Can only withstand the hot lights for so long.

Production Diary #4

Here's another behind-the-scenes look at filming Frank & Zed, with an emphasis on the cinematography by our Director of Photography, Patrick Blevins.

 Other Links

Remember, any slacker backers you may know can still jump in on the fun at our homepage:

And you can always follow along and get mini-updates by Liking our Facebook page:

Hope you enjoyed the Production Diary! We're having a ton of fun making this movie and sharing the experience with all of you. Let us know what you love seeing and what you'd like to see more of.

-Team Puppetcore

Extra Bits

Here's a behind-the-scenes look at the behind-the-scenes video!

0:33: Although we use it as a gag, we actually were hurriedly shooting the interviews during lunchbreak. So please forgive any focus or exposure issues with them. The clock was ticking, and the monsters always come first! :)

0:57: Sometimes Frank can't be bothered to come to set for lighting set-up, so Taylor has to be his stand-in. Monsters can be such divas!

1:19: Neither Frank nor Zed will speak many lines other than groans and grunts. But sometimes the puppeteers will improv bits (like this "no no no") to help them get into character, even though the audio won't wind up in the final film. 

1:34: Zed's "dolls" here are made out of a found material that was teased in a prior mini-video. Do you remember what they're made out of?

1:53: You all know that the world of Frank & Zed is all about being hand-made. But so is the world on set! Here you can see two home made cucolorises which Jesse devised. The cucoloris (or cookie) is a sheet of metal with random shapes cut into it which helps create a more natural lighting look.

2:27: The "raw footage" shots shown in this update are all prior to any color balancing. We're also able to mask out the puppeteers in post. One of the advantages to shooting in a dark, spooky castle filled with shadows.

2:53: While shooting behind-the-scenes video, I (Cameron) was tasked with jumping in to help push the dolly for one shot. Luckily I left my camera rolling when I set it down. Again, the monsters always come first!

3:02: If this puppet looks vaguely familiar, it might be because it's you! He's modeled after one of our "Cast Yourself..." backers!

Production Diary Video and Cameras Begin Rolling Again Today!
over 8 years ago – Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 11:51:05 AM

Dear Zed-ites!

It's been a busy month. We got the keys to our new space, loaded up the world of Frank & Zed and moved it to the new home, and dove right into pre-production! 

Production Diary #3

To give you an idea what we've been up to since the last update, here's the next installment of our Production Diaries (The first since completing the Kickstarter! Everything you'll see in it is thanks to all of you).

Hitting Record

Despite our ambitions at the end of the video, we did not wind up filming last Thursday. We used that time to do some repairs to our two leads and touch up our castle set. We'll actually be doing our first official filming on Frank & Zed since the Kickstarter today, likely as you're reading this. We couldn't be more excited!

Crackin' the Code

Taylor carved these backer-infused runes on plates, which Erin will attach to the Krampus warhammer. Can you spot your name hidden amongst the code?

Survey Reminder 

As you can see, we're already beginning to manifest some of our rewards. Names and faces are beginning to appear in props and on puppets. We're also about ready to make an order for all of the hoodies (so the crew can stay warm while working in The Icebox). We've sent some messages asking for hoodie size and details on names and faces to everyone who recieves one of those rewards. If you haven't responded yet, please do. Either in a message through Kickstarter or e-mailing us at: [email protected] (if you're sending pictures for face reference, please use the e-mail)

Slacker Backers

Know someone who would love Frank and Zed? Send them to our website where they can still contribute to the film and earn some awesome rewards.

Thank you again! We hope to be getting these production videos out every other week or so, allowing you to follow along as we construct this monster flick!

Team Puppetcore

Storyboards, Eyes, and Hammers
over 8 years ago – Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 10:26:22 AM

Hello Zed-ites!

We have been down deep in the filmmaking trenches...pre-production!

This part is a lot of fun but it is also grueling. They say that,'Writing is re-writing,' well, in our case,'Writing is re-storyboarding,' and then storyboarding again. 

Below is a quick snap of what I have worked on everyday except for Christmas for the last month. It's 320 new panels of action, drama, and suspense! 

We also started work on the Double-Headed Warhammer which is the new Krampus Weapon that battled its way to the top of the first Community Brainstorm. 

And, here are the eyes of some of our backers! Completely handmade, these eyes will be in the heads of a couple of our baddies. The next time you see them will be in their character reveals. 

Now, the biggest news by far is that we have found the new Puppetcore Studio. (We just got the keys on Friday.) 

In some ways, not having a space has been great as it has forced us to really hunker down and focus on the writing which is so important. But now, we get back to the fun stuff of building our world. 

Thanks again for all your support, 

Jesse & Team Puppetcore

Extra Bits:

Two Weeks Already?
over 8 years ago – Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 01:42:57 PM

Hello Zed-ites!

I realized today that it had been two weeks since the campaign ended and most of you have not heard from us. My apologies.

We have been hard at work but we haven't shared much as it has been half boring (locating the new Puppetcore Studio, where or where can it be?) and the other half is pure spoilers as we flesh out the Double-Battle and all other goodies you have brought to life.

Above is a peak at the early notes as we start to figure out how this origami, puppet gore-fest will fold up together and give you all the film you deserve!

We will have MUCH more cool stuff to share soon. For instance, we have started sculpting the Double-Headed Warhammer and I'm excited to share it with you. 

Other Notes:
Krampus Ornaments & Cards - Should ship Monday the 14th.

Face in the film backers - We have already gathered photos for all the new puppet characters, however, I would like to wait to get photos of Face in the Film backers for a couple weeks as a bit of fun motivation to carry us through the writing and revisions. (I have already started a list of fun places for you to appear despite myself :)

Thanks again! Feel free to contact us with any questions,

Jesse & Team Puppetcore

Congratulations and Thank You!
over 8 years ago – Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 09:19:05 PM

You've done it! Frank & Zed are alive! They're aliiiive! 

We've funded the Double Battle... and then some! We're going to power down for a couple of weeks* and give our very patient families some time with us. But fear not! For soon we shall return with plenty of updates and behind-the-scenes peeks into the making of the film you helped create!

Thank you again. It can't be said enough. 

- Jesse and Team Puppetcore

*By "power down," of course, we mean get those Krampus gift packs together and sent off to you.